

Offered by: Crunchyroll, LLC

Downloads: 100M+

The Crunchyroll app is a popular streaming platform dedicated to anime and Asian content. With its extensive library of anime series, movies, and manga, Crunchyroll has become a go-to destination for anime enthusiasts worldwide.

The app offers a user-friendly interface, allowing users to easily discover and watch their favorite anime titles on their mobile devices. From popular classics to the latest releases, Crunchyroll provides a diverse range of content to cater to various tastes and preferences.

App Features & Benefits

Extensive Anime Library: The Crunchyroll app offers an extensive collection of anime series, ranging from classic favorites to the latest releases. With a diverse range of genres to choose from, including action, romance, fantasy, and more, there’s something for every anime lover.

Simulcast and Fast Releases: One of the biggest advantages of the Crunchyroll app is its simulcast feature, which allows you to watch episodes of popular anime series shortly after they air in Japan. Say goodbye to waiting for months or even years for English-dubbed versions.

Multiple Language Options: Crunchyroll caters to a global audience by offering subtitles in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, and more. This feature ensures that anime fans around the world can enjoy their favorite shows in their preferred language.

Offline Viewing: With the Crunchyroll app, you can download episodes to your device and enjoy them offline, even when you don’t have an internet connection. This feature is perfect for long flights, commutes, or times when you want to watch anime without using your mobile data. Download your favorite episodes in advance and enjoy uninterrupted anime marathons wherever you go.

User Reviews

  • “As someone who is always on the lookout for new anime series, Crunchyroll has become my go-to app. The offline viewing feature is a game-changer, as I can download episodes and watch them on the go, without worrying about internet connectivity. ” – OtakuGuru
  • “Crunchyroll has transformed the way I watch anime. The vast selection of shows, coupled with the simulcast feature, ensures that I never miss out on the latest episodes.” – AnimeFanatic99

Apps Similar to Crunchyroll

  1. Funimation: Funimation is a popular streaming service dedicated to anime and offers a vast library of anime series and movies. It provides both subbed and dubbed versions of anime shows, giving users the flexibility to choose their preferred language.
  2. VRV: VRV is a streaming platform that combines multiple channels, including Crunchyroll, Funimation, and other niche content providers. With VRV, users can access a wide range of anime series from different sources, expanding their options for anime viewing.
  3. Netflix: Although not exclusively dedicated to anime, Netflix offers a growing library of anime series and movies. With a mix of licensed shows and Netflix originals, anime enthusiasts can find a diverse selection of content.


The Crunchyroll app isa gateway to the captivating world of anime, providing anime enthusiasts with a convenient and immersive streaming experience. With its extensive anime library, simulcast feature, multiple language options, customizable queue, and offline viewing capability, Crunchyroll offers a range of features and benefits that cater to the needs of anime lovers worldwide.

The app has received positive reviews from users who appreciate its vast collection of shows, user-friendly interface, and ability to stay up to date with the latest episodes. For those seeking alternatives, Funimation, VRV, and Netflix are also viable options that provide access to a wide variety of anime content.

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